Hello there!
I'm Rob Hearn, a professional photographer serving South Kansas City, Cass County, and Miami County. I am husband to an amazing and beautiful wife, and father to a spirited, precocious girl. I was born, raised, and had a career in Los Angeles, California, but have now happily set down roots on a few acres of land near Freeman.
My story took a long and winding path before I decided upon photography as a career. I’ve had a fascination with art my whole life - drawing, painting, and of course, photography. I got my first 35mm camera when I was 14 and have loved taking photos ever since. In college, I studied Multimedia Design, then spent a year at the Los Angeles Film school in Hollywood studying cinematography and sound. Soon after, I found myself employed as a Sound Mixer for TV and film, and spent the next decade working in the entertainment industry. (If you are the curious sort, you can find a list of credits on IMDB as Robert Hearn). Throughout, I continued taking photos - documenting my travels, snapping pictures of family, and capturing everything that caught my eye. Eventually, convinced by family and friends to make this my profession, I began building my business. In 2018, while taking photos of a local festival, I met the editor of The South Cass Tribune newspaper, and have become a part-time staff photographer for them covering local events and high school sports. This has given me the chance to meet many wonderful local people and hear their stories, and I hope to meet many more!